About Us

Duchesne County Travel & Tourism

Tourism and Recreation

Duchesne County is blessed with hundreds of destinations which bring visitors from throughout the state, nation and world. We partner with the Dinosaurland Travel Board which handles our out of state advertising and region promotion through trade shows, websites, and fulfillment pieces. We staff the Welcome Center in Duchesne City which is the Gateway to the Uintah Basin and we aggressively promote destination resorts, and hospitality services

Convention Services

Whenever a meeting, family reunion, wedding or other event brings visitors to our community we work with sponsors and agencies to increase the benefit to our region. We have developed strategic partnerships that enhance the experience for the visitor and bring much needed revenue to local businesses and amenities. Every additional meal purchased, room rented or round of golf played builds sustainable communities in Northeastern Utah.

Our Convention Bureau Services assist individuals, companies and agencies to organize host and participate in meetings and conventions in Duchesne County. Research supports the conclusion that a region who is actively recruiting state and national meetings to be hosted in their region are better recognized for their assets and have necessary support when solving problems and attracting resources. Some of these visits and conferences include Congressman and Senators and accompanying staff, public land agencies, Community Impact Boards, United States Dept of Agriculture, United States Dept of the Interior, United States Health and Human Services, United States Homeland Security, and dozens and dozens of membership based organizations and associations.

Economic Development

We work directly and with many partners to deliver the following economic development services.

Business Recruitment

Business Expansion and Retention

Entrepreneurial Training and Networking For Executives

Organize local community activities and promotions which allow business to form partnerships with other businesses to cooperate and market together to build customer traffic and loyalty

Organize and host information lunches to introduce ideas, challenges, solutions and opportunities. Round table discussions are also held on a regular basis to insure well informed decisions makers and enhance the ability of leaders to solve problems.

We work with elected officials to determine the priorities of the citizenry.

Business Visitation Program to bring pertinent information which may allow businesses to take advantage of incentives and tax credits which may be available.

Our Executive Director serves on multiple local, state and national boards, task forces and committees which encourage partnerships and educate decision makers on important Basin Wide Issues…. Some boards include DWS Regional Council, Governors Rural Partnership Board, Utah State Parks, RC&D Council, Utah Small Cities, Zions Bank, Mainstreet Committee, Utah Tourism Industry Coalition, Dinosaur Diamond, Duchesne County Council of Government, The Utah Alliance for Economic Development, Public Lands Committees, Economic Development District.

Distribute demographics and other information which represents Duchesne County in a positive light which will attract investment and interest for economic development.

Work closely with the energy industry to insure all groups are cooperating, communicating and working to enhance viability of Natural Resource Production and access to public lands.

Write letters to support people, places and partnerships in the region.

Answering thousands of calls annually from local and out of the area individuals and companies requesting information on goods and services provided in the Uintah Basin.

Working with industry to overcome obstacles to expansion such as regulation, workforce, and housing.

Works to make sure infrastructure is sufficient, and participate in planning efforts with other persons and agencies in cooperation with government to seek funding and other remedies.

Building, expanding and promoting companies, cooperatives and organizations who provide vital services such as Uintah Basin Medical Center, Uintah Basin Telecommunication Association, Moon Lake Electric, Questar Natural Gas Company and many others.

We are actively involved in discussions regarding water. Water is the lifeblood of the region, it is imperative that efforts continue to expand water sources and allow communities to plan decades in advance for needed water.

Seeks ways to insure that education is meeting the needs of business and the community and work on an ongoing basis to improve educational opportunities in the area. Increasing enrollment and finding scholarships to assist students is a high priority. 

Organize and host Familiarization tours of Duchesne County. The Duchesne County Chamber of Commerce regularly hosts companies’, individuals and agencies that need a working knowledge of Duchesne County in order to make decisions or investments. These efforts may range from a few hours to several days in come cases. Each tour is tailored to be client driven.

Work to recruit and retain qualified individuals in our region who are a necessary ingredient in maintaining a vibrant economy, and providing services for our residents.

Leadership training and actively identifying young adults who could become our future leaders and offering them mentors, education and opportunity which will train them to be the future elected officials and leaders in our community.

Helping newcomers to feel welcome and accepted by addressing their concerns and allowing them to participate in community activities. It is important to assist them as they navigate the many organizations and service providers in the area. We try and match volunteers with positions which are available.